To All ASI Families and Friends

You’ve probably been wondering why you’ve not received an ASI newsletter lately, not since the spring 2011 issue. You may be wondering if the ASI newsletters will still be published. Well, the Foor family hasn’t quit our publishing commitment with ASI for the newsletters, we’ve just been extremely busy and the summer months have just flown right by us. In addition, we didn’t receive hardly any news, especially from families, to be published in a summer newsletter this year. As many of you may know the Foors have been transitioning moving from Ohio, USA to our new home now in Kentucky; finally getting settled into our new location. With that being said, we along with the ASI “experts” have decided to combine the summer and fall issues of the ASI newsletter for this year. WE NEED ALL YOUR HELP! We are STRONGLY ENCOURAGING ALL FAMILIES to contribute your stories/articles/pictures/etc… You can e-mail Helen at: ha***@ao*.com and you can e-mail Brittany at: bm*****@in*******.com (please note Brittany’s email change). We want to hear how things are going with all affected by AS. Your ASI family wants to know your latest successes/accomplishments/achievements or even your happening in battling AS your struggles/challenges as this is our way of connection between ASI conferences. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS OCTOBER 8, 2011. For those who had submitted news/pictures for the summer newsletter, we still have those and will certainly include those in as well; however, feel free to send updates on news/pictures if you so desire to do so. We hope to see you all featured in this upcoming newsletter! Hope this finds everyone doing well.

Best Wishes!
Helen Foor, Editor
Brittany Foor, Editor-In-Chief
Kentucky, USA

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