Come one, come all, and join us at Camp Beech Cliff, Mount Dessert Island, ME on July 3! We’ll be having a memorial concert and benefit in memory of Jan Marshall, our beloved founder and “Mama” to so many.
The 7:00 PM concert will be preceded by some hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar beginning at 5:30 PM which also affords time to peruse and place bids on a number of silent auction items.
Tickets to attend are $25.00, all proceeds to benefit Alstrom Syndrome research efforts.
As always, everyone should feel comfortable donating more, and, as usual, those in tough circumstances can attend for free.
If you wish to contribute a silent auction item, you need to get it in the mail the week of June 18. Send items to 14 Whitney Farm Road, Mt. Desert, ME 04660. If you cannot attend but wish to make a donation, you can donate online or send a check! USA donations are tax deductible!